

Midterm applications are open!

Once you're logged into the portal you can track your applications and offers for halls.

The portal holds all the important information you need for your stay in halls. The induction, which needs to be completed prior to starting your contract, has loads of useful information about the teams that support you during your stay, who you can reach out to if you need help, and directions for getting to the hall. There is also a link to sign up for your contents insurance which the University covers the cost of. Should you ever need to refer to them your Terms and Conditions of residency are also held on the portal.

When you arrive on site be sure to pop by the accommodation office in the student village reception, the team love meeting our new residents, and they are happy to help with any queries or signposting you may need.

To contact the team directly, please email: Accommodation@northampton.ac.uk, or call: 01604 892482

For advice on Private Sector Accommodation please contact our team at Privatesector@northampton.ac.uk. Additional information on Private Sector Accommodation can be found here:https://www.northampton.ac.uk/student-life/accommodation/private-sector-housing/